The following is the latest SOP announced by the government on September 22.
The business hours of grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants, gas stations and online markets have been changed from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. Start from today(9.23)
After 90% of the number of adults in Malaysia vaccinated, the cross-state will be opened.
SPA, beauty center and massage shop can be reopened from October 1st. (Only those who have completed the vaccination)
Tourism centers, buildings, product industries, etc. (including zoos, agricultural parks, aquariums, diving centers, fishing grounds and forest parks) will be open from October 1st.
All the vaccinated employees of enterprises and companies can go back to the company to work 100%.
People arriving in Malaysia from a foreign country need to test for RT-PCR. Malaysians are free of charge, while foreigners need to pay for it.