The following is the latest SOP announced by the government on September 22.
- The business hours of grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants, gas stations and online markets have been changed from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. Start from today(9.23)
- After 90% of the number of adults in Malaysia vaccinated, the cross-state will be opened.
- SPA, beauty center and massage shop can be reopened from October 1st. (Only those who have completed the vaccination)
- Tourism centers, buildings, product industries, etc. (including zoos, agricultural parks, aquariums, diving centers, fishing grounds and forest parks) will be open from October 1st.
- All the vaccinated employees of enterprises and companies can go back to the company to work 100%.
- People arriving in Malaysia from a foreign country need to test for RT-PCR. Malaysians are free of charge, while foreigners need to pay for it.