SPM exam candidates get grades A in six subjects, but are still dissatisfied by his mothers. Because their mothers want to be an A ++++++

Everybody’s talking about SPM. How did exam candidates get grades A in six subjects, but are still dissatisfied with the results?

We explain it all right here👇

The 2021 Malaysian Education Diploma (SPM) was released yesterday. A candidate, Jia was delighted to have obtained 6A, but her mother’s words made her cry sadly.

The candidate confided to TV host Ahmad Fadri yesterday that he had obtained the SPM result after five years.

He revealed that he was very excited yesterday that he had obtained 3 A+s and 3 A’s because he was better than expected.

However, when he informed his parents about his grades, his mother’s reaction made his mood hit rock bottom. “I got 4A2G in the pre-exam and 6A in SPM, but I didn’t fail. I thought my parents would be proud of that.

“When I called my mother, she asked, ‘Why are there so few A’s?’ Jia cried directly in the room. “

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