In recent events, netizens have been reporting that the PDRM has been taking note of another type of driving offense. Wearing slippers while driving in the car. That is correct. This offense is one that many Malaysians are still unaware about. This is because slippers are a hazard on the road as they can get wedged under a pedal.
There has been some confusion as well. This is because the law for inappropriate clothing is only stated for commercial vehicle drivers:
Section 15(b) of the Road Traffic Rules 1959, drivers of commercial vehicles (such as lorries) can get fined up to RM300 for wearing inappropriate attire.
Social media videos and postings of incidents that have gone viral since.
Following these incidents, the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) has since clarified in an official statement that it is not an offence to wear slippers in private vehicles. It is, however, still not advisable.

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