According to National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme, Malaysia is on track to achieve our targets of vaccination. Currently, with 50.2%, or 11,743,096, of the country’s adult population fully vaccinated as of Wednesday (Aug 18).
The Special Committee on Covid-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV), through an infographic on Twitter, said 75.3%, or 17,625,760 people, have received their first dose, bringing the cumulative total Covid-19 vaccine doses administered to 29,368,856 doses as of Wednesday.
Setakat 18 Ogos 2021:
50.2% populasi dewasa Malaysia telah menerima suntikan vaksinasi penuh.
75.3% populasi dewasa Malaysia telah menerima sekurang-kurangnya satu dos.
Hampir 30 juta dos vaksin telah diberikan di Malaysia.#LindungDiriLindungSemua
— Vaksin COVID-19 🇲🇾 (@JKJAVMY) August 19, 2021
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