In current trend, many of us like to do online shopping as it is convenience and save our times and cost for travelling to physical store. For example, platform like Shopee, Lazada, Zalora and others. However, when we purchasing online, the most worry thing will be packaging. A good packing protect ensure the product will not damage during logistic services.
In general, the seller will use box or bubble wrap for packaging. However, there was a creative Shopee seller use coconut husk to pack the item. Other Facebook users has praised this creative idea when the buyer, Raynorton Motorspor post a feed to share this special experience. They say: “We ordered something from Shopee, but got a coconut in place of it. Guys, don’t throw it away first. Fully open it and you will found the item, haha.”
Image credit: Raynorton Motorsport
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